Who's in Zap! Tap! Roar! Superheroes of Music #3? Hildegard of Bingen Jean-Baptiste Lully Marianna Martines Franz Liszt Georges Bizet Giacomo Puccini Bela Bartok Rebecca Clarke Sergei Prokofiev Django Reinhardt Ravi Shankar Bob Marley What about books and music for adults? SEE BELOW! NOTE: All prices include shipping and handling Want to view inside pages? Click the book cover! Note: All pricing includes shipping within the U.S.A. For international shipping prices, please contact us at www.springpromiseproductions.com Who's in Zap! Boom! Pow! Superheroes of Music #1? Antonio Vivaldi, George Frideric Handel, Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Josef Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, Giuseppe Verdi, Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Antonin Dvorak, Edvard Grieg, Manuel de Falla. Who's in Zap! Bam! Now! Superheroes of Music #2? Francesca Caccini, Gioachino Rossini, Louise Farrenc, Frederic Chopin, Robert Schumann, Richard Wagner, Johannes Brahms, Camille Saint-Saëns, Claude Debussy, Scott Joplin, W.C. Handy, Igor Stravinsky. |
Welcome to Spring Promises Productions - featuring Luce Amen's fresh new musical I WILL . . . From a successful Off-Broadway run at the NYC Thespis Theater Festival, I WILL is revving up its engines for the full-length premiere in Texas soon . . . stay tuned! This show is inspired by Mexico's greatest miracle - the unforgettable OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE - in English with Spanish highlights. What else about I WILL? 21 stunning songs featuring rock, pop, Aztec-inspired rhythms, salsa, mariachi, rap, soul, soaring ballads. . . an incredibly beautiful story with a delicious, enticing script featuring San Juan Diego, the Virgin Mary, a magical, spunky cat, a shocking request. Book by Alan Warner and Luce Amen / Music & Lyrics by Luce Amen. And Now - Get your ZAP! SUPERHEROES books here! Order below. NEWS FLASH: ZAP! Superhero Author Lucy Warner is now doing smashingly successful Author Visits at elementary schools! To book a presentation at your school - E-mail: [email protected] Yes - three irresistible, exciting, educational, glossy, colorful, hardcover ZAP! SUPERHEROES OF MUSIC books - with 12 famous superhero musicians in each! What would each composer's super power be? By Lucy A. Warner. Illustrations by Patrick Ackerman. For ages 5-12. But, wait - there's more! 1. Fun, free, 3-minute videos online for the kiddos and you - by The San Diego Symphony! Twelve Zap! Superheroes of Music videos - one for each composer featured in Zap! Book #1. Click now - Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQDU9ygYudazPSm8qfngXNTrxFCp71EZF 2. Zap! Superheroes of Music #3 received the 2020 Graphic Design USA "Best Book Design" Award! Huge thanks to Jaclyn Alvarado of J2 Design NYC - Brava! 3. Thousands of ZAP! books have been purchased by schools, teachers, libraries, moms, dads, grandparents, musical organizations, musicians, and pediatricians all across the USA! How about YOU? Great gifts! ZAP! Books are used by the San Diego Symphony and other musical organizations for their Educational Outreach Programs! ZAP! books are marching and humming across the country! Click "Shop" below - or go to: jwpepper.com, westmusic.com, MusicIsElementary.com - Met Opera Gift Shop at Lincoln Center (NYC) - The Shop at Carnegie Hall (NYC) - The Juilliard Store (NYC) - Santa Fe Opera Shop (NM) - Kennedy Center Gift Shop (Washington, DC) - San Francisco Symphony Store (CA) - Aspen Music Festival Kiosk (CO) - Utah Symphony Boutique (Salt Lake City, UT) - Colorado Symphony Guild Shop (Denver, CO) - Nashville Symphony Store (TN) - Kauffman Center Gift Shop (Kansas City, MO) - Logos Bookstore (NYC) - Mary Arnold Toys (NYC) - The Twig Book Shop (San Antonio, TX) - musicmotion.com, musiciselementary.com |
Zap! Boom! Pow! Superheroes of Music #1
Price includes s&h. Ages 5-12. Hardcover, glossy
12 famous musicians! Hardcover, colorful, glossy. Cool facts, a short poem about each, plus - what would each musician look like as a superhero? What would each one's special power be? Antonio Vivaldi, George Frideric Handel, Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Josef Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, Giuseppe Verdi, Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Antonin Dvorak, Edvard Grieg, Manuel de Falla. PLUS - Glossary, Timeline, Map, Musical Instruments page, Composer Quotes, Q&A page, Listening/Viewing Guide. "A POW-erful learning tool packed with adventure!" - Ruth Berg, Music Department Chair, San Antonio Academy "Sure-fire fun!" - Dr. Patricia A. Flynn, Learning Specialist ZAP! BAM! NOW! SUPERHEROES OF MUSIC #2
12 more famous musicians! Ages 5-12
Hardcover, colorful, glossy. A fun, educational gift - for any "super" day of the year! Francesca Caccini, Gioachino Rossini, Louise Farrenc, Frederic Chopin, Robert Schumann, Richard Wagner, Johannes Brahms, Camille Saint-Saens, Claude Debussy, W.C. Handy, Scott Joplin, Igor Stravinsky. PLUS - Glossary, Timeline, Map, Musical Instruments page, Composer Quotes, Q&A page, Listening/Viewing Guide. "From music, to reading, to art - a gem!" - Marcella Lesher, Library Liaison for Education, Blume Library, St. Mary's University (San Antonio, TX) "A wealth of both information and fun for children and adults alike!" - Kelsey H. O'Brien, M.D., Pediatrics ZAP! TAP! ROAR! SUPERHEROES OF MUSIC #3
Newest Book! Winner, Graphic Design USA (GDUSA) 2020 Award! For ages 5-12.
Hardcover, colorful, glossy - Delightful! A new round of exciting stories about 12 famous musicians, with the same winning format as books 1 and 2 of the Zap! series: Fun Facts, "Wow" Illustrations, Glossary, Timeline, Instruments page, Composer Map, Composer Quotes, Question/Answer page, Listening/Viewing Guide. "These books have inspired a real fascination with composers and their music for my son!" - Father of Elementary School Student, NYC "A magical, fantastic adventure for both children and adults!" - Barbara Harper, Ph.D., Music Education ___________________________________ What Famous Composers are in this Book? Hildegard of Bingen, Jean-Baptiste Lully, Marianna Martines, Franz Liszt, Georges Bizet, Giacomo Puccini, Bela Bartok, Rebecca Clarke, Sergei Prokofiev, Django Reinhardt, Ravi Shankar, Bob Marley CD - 65 Cocktail "Favorite Hits" from The Great American Songbook - Played by Lester Lanin's Pianist Al Warner!
For your next party! Book - LESTER LANIN: An Intimate View of America's Favorite Society Dance Band Leader - On the Road, On the Bandstand
NY Jr.League Book of the Month BOOK - MEDI-TALES: Adventures and Misadventures in American Healthcare - A Senior's Experiences throughout 88 years.
Cringe, chuckle, enjoy! CD - Reckless Texas Sun
Luce salutesTexas on this newly-mastered album! This compilation CD delivers ten of Luce's most popular songs: Texas Sunshine Day - Reckless Texas Woman - Roll Down the River - Mary's Song (Thorns Help the Roses Grow) - Walk - We Were Meant to be Lovers - Viva Fiesta - When Baby Sings the Blues - Lifetime Love Affair - Midnight Prayer. RECKLESS TEXAS SUN is lso available on i-tunes, amazon, and lots of other online music sites! https://music.amazon.in/albums/B09BCC3BXV |